Friday, October 20, 2006


Last weekend we went to Pittsburgh to visit the Fallingwater House by F.L.Wright. Thanks to Kate's family all of us could stay in her house. They were really nice with us, providing beds and food for 8 people! The weekend was perfectly organized by Kate:
In the morning we went to have a picnic in a beautiful place near Pittsburgh. This park brought my memory back when Kim and I used to spend our weekends in the park ... nature in Pennsylvania is gorgeous and fall with its beautiful colors is so powerful here.

The Fallingwater House

Then we went to visit the House ... we were all really excited. This is the first view that visitors have when they arrive from the park. Unluckily visitors are not allowed to take pictures of the interiors, which are actually the best part. I will not soon forget the feeling that I had when I got into the big leaving room and how the nature was perfectly framed by Wright, playing with ceilings of different hights, light and dark areas, large windows to see the park and small
windows to listen the fall.

Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh

Well, it was a really nice experience. After that we spent the night in Pittsburgh - the steel city - and the morning after, just before leaving, we could visit the Andy Warhol Museum ... where I saw this interesting installation called: Silver clouds. They are actually floating silver pillows, which visitors can interact with.

* picture by Blanca * picture by Blanca
one of the many bridges in Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh by night