Sunday, September 03, 2006

Cubs' Game

I would never expected to have so much fun at a baseball game ...
well, probably after the Kansas Tournament :) ... Sunday afternoon with Enrica, Jeremy, Jon, Debby and James.

Thanks to Holabird&Root the first time and personal to James the second time, I have been able to see both the champions of the world, the White Sox (they call it world championship, but actually there are only about 8 American teams) and the Cubs.

Cubs' games have always been the most followed by fans because their games are still traditional in a way (see picture with the music band to entertain).
In fact, since they can't make the stadium bigger, they have started to create special seats even on the roof of the houses in front. It was really interesting to see a public space where people could finally drink beer as they were in Germany, without caring to do that in front of their children! Who knows if this is the real reason why it was so crowd !?!

After all nobody can really follow the game, the ball is too small ... nobody can see it !!!

Non mi sarei mai aspettata di divertirmi cosí tanto ad una partita di baseball ... beh dopo il tournment :) domenica pomeriggio con Enrica, Jeremy, Jon, Debby e James.

Grazie ad Holabird&Root, la prima volta, e James in persona la seconda, sono riuscita a vedermi sia una partita dei campioni del mondo, i White Sox (lo chiamano campionato del mondo ma sono solo 8 squadre americane) e dei Cubs, ultimi in classifica (che carini).
Le partite dei Cubs rimangono le piü seguite in assoluto
(addirittura non potendo ingrandire lo stadio hanno cominciato a montare le poltrone sui tetti delle case di fronte) proprio perché sono rimaste diciamo "tradizionali" ... ed effettivamente é stato molto divertente vedere finalmente un public space dove si puö bere 'na birra come in Germania senza doversi preoccupare di farlo davanti ai bambini !!! che sia questo il motivo per cui era cosí affollato ?!?
In fondo nessuno segue il gioco, la pallina é troppo piccola .. non si vede !!!


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